Learn more about the Datos Activity Feed

About the Datos Activity Feed

The Datos Activity Feed is an event-level accounting of observed URL visits executed by devices which Datos has access to over a given period of time

This feed can be delivered on a daily basis, delivering the previous day’s data, and can be filtered by any of the fields, so you can focus on what’s important for you, whether it be specific markets, specific domains or set of domains.

This data can help you with projects related to:

Consumer Journey Analysis

Path To Purchase Analysis

Competitive Intelligence

Now available with Datos Low-Latency Feed

This add-on ensures delivery of approximately 99% of all devices before markets open in New York
(the lowest latency product on the market).

Our clickstream data is made up of an array of upstream sources. The DLLF makes the daily output of these sources available as they arrive and are processed, as opposed to a once-daily batch when all sources have contributed.

What you will get:

  • A dataset delivered daily
  • Breakdown by country and platform type — desktop and mobile
  • Basic demographic data

About Datos

Datos provides clickstream analytics solutions focused on licensing anonymized, at scale, datasets.

Datos offers access to the desktop and mobile browsing behavior for millions of users across the globe, packaged into clean, easy to understand data products and reports for use by our clients.